Its May! Can you believe we're already five months into the year, I know everyone is marvelling at this but it really is true. For me May is strange month, for the last few years it has marked the start of the exam period but it also holds a good number of Birthdays, including my own making it a real mix of events. However this year with no exams looming ahead I am determined to enjoy every second of it, meaning their should be a fair few of these posts on their way....
2. My Jimmy Choo perfume, I know most people change their scents around but for me this is my one and only - 3 years this year!
3. A good crossword puzzle
4. My new world map on my wall.
What have been your favourites recently?
lovely post and blog maybe we can follow each other :) followed you already xxx
Thank you this really made me smile :) I have followed you and look forward to reading your posts xxx