Drawings by Rebecca Savage

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Rub a Dub Dub...

Heres a picture I've been working on recently based on the three men in a tub in the nursery rhyme. Do you know it.

I'm actually quite pleased with how this one turned out. It's mainly water colour but with some coloured pencil and a pen outline.

What do you think? I'd really appreciate any feedback.

Have you been working on anything recently? Let me know in my comments box.


  1. Hello! I just wanted to pop on over and say thanks lots for your lovely comment on my little blog. Your illustrations are beautiful! I am off to explore here a little bit more! Have a lovely Easter xxxx

    1. Thank you so much! I love your blog so this means a lot to me! I have just got a scanner so hopefully my illustrations will look a bit clearer from now on! I hope you have a lovely Easter too xxx


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